Naby Sniglets


There are number of words that we can coin/invent to describe/represent an event or a process, concept or something that does not have specific name(s).
  1. Sniglet

    It is any word coined/invented for something that has no specific name(s). In other words, it is any word we coin which should in the dictionary but it isn’t, meant to represent, describe anything which exists but has no name. The following words are sniglets. Sniglet itself is a sniglet. [Sniglet (noun)].

  2. Naby

    A young man who has strong sexual desire, very attractive to women and intelligent. It is the opposite of Bimbo. Bimbo is a beautiful young woman but very unintelligent/dull. [Naby (noun); (adjective:naby, nabier, nabiest)].

  3. Polygen

    A person who has extreme extraordinary intellectual capabilities. A person with multiple (poly) learning intelligences: a genius of geniuses with an IQ ranges between 250 to 300. Polygen (shortend form of Polygenius) is coined from a blend of Poly and Genius. It has synonyms such as Polymath, Polyhistor and Polyglot. Albert Einstein and Leonardo de Vinci were Polygeniuses (Polygenii). [Polygenius/Polygen (noun)].

  4. Digifiles

    Are files that are created, transmitted and stored with electronic/digital devices over the internet (or a system of networks). They are the opposite of hard paper files we create manually in our offices. They’re simply electronic files or digital files. It is coined from a blend of Digital and Files. They also called efiles (e-files). [Digifile/efile (noun)].

  5. Slangonyms

    Slangonym is a slang word (or a word) which is used to mean something else (or another word) but not its standard meaning as used in the sentence. Slangonyms are similar to idioms, because of that we can also call them Slangidioms. Slangidioms are Slangs which function as idioms. For example, Iam going to kick his BALLS. Balls as used in the sentence is a slangonym. BALLS mean Testes. I like men with big COCK. Cock as used in the sentence is a slangonym. COCK means Penis. Can I get some GRASS tonight? Grass as used in the sentence is a slangonym. GRASS means Marijuana. It is coined from a blend of Slang and Onym (which means word, name). A clipping of of Slang from Slanguage, and Onym from Synonym, and blending them to form Slangonym. However, Slangidiom is from a blend of Slang and Idiom. [Slangonyms/Slangidioms (noun)]

  6. Isymbols

    Are imaginary symbols, imagery, and abstract characters which the mind creates and uses (as code) to represent properties of nature, event, situations, physical objects, problems, processes or any phenomenon when we are thinking (or in our thinking process), whether the phenomenon exists or not, physically visible or not. When the brain is processing information it is in the state of abstract called mind, and the process is called thinking. The mind is the abstract component of the brain. In the mechanism of thinking, we use abstract characters and symbols, images and imagery to represent a phenomenon, situation, information, concept, subject or the thing we are thinking of in the mind before we start processing and think about it. Whether the phenomenon is physically present to our sight or not, it exists or not, the mind needs these imaginary characters, imagery and abstract symbols to depict the phenomenon when we are thinking. When the phenomenon is physically visible to our sight we cannot take the physical (concrete) form into our mind when we want to think about it. But rather the mind needs to use imagery, imaginary symbols or abstract characters which best depict the physical nature of the phenomenon in its actuality in our mind when we’re thinking about the phenomenon.
    Instances whereby the phenomenon is not physically visible to our sight or non-existence in this world, we have to ingeniously form imagery, symbols and characters which are imaginary to depict (represent) the phenomenon in our mind before, during and after thinking. When we are thinking or reasoning we don’t use physical objects in our mind but we use these imaginary elements (abstract symbols) to represent the subject under consideration in the process. The human mind is comfort in using these imaginary elements or abstract symbols in thinking (or reasoning).
    So what name (word) is given to abstract things the mind uses in thinking about a phenomenon which is physical to our sight or non-existence? These imaginary elements and abstract symbols are called Isymbols. The mind can only read, manipulate and handle physical objects, problems, situations, processes, properties of nature by using isymbols. Have we thought of how inventor and creators of things in this world create things we see around us? Some of these things were non-existent but through thinking they used isymbols to depict the actual perception in its clarity and accuracy before materialized. The mind uses isymbols to imagine anything which exists or not, visible or not when we are thinking. [Isymbols (noun)].
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